Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Awesome Video Game Music: Future Fuckballs 2010 - AVGN Adventures

I continue my look at some awesome video game music through the years. This time I look at an 8-bit game. No, it's not Mario or Zelda, but an equally awesome hero: The Angry Video Game Nerd.

Please tell me you have heard of the Nerd. The guy who's gonna take you back to the past, to play some shitty games that suck ass?

Well he has been making videos for years and is very entertaining and well worth your time to check it out (NSFW mind you).

Now, there have been a few games in the AVGN Universe, made by independent studios, sometimes just one guy. There is now a proper 8-bit scrolling AVGN game available on Steam. I'm sure I will talk about the actual game at some point, but for now, this is my personal favorite track in the game.

Presenting, from The Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures (Release: September 20, 2013, PC)

Future Fuckballs 2010!

This music takes place in the level of the same name and it's a futuristic level (go figure right?).

I freaking love this song. It's got a nice build at the beginning, kinda dark and spooky, yet driving. Then we start getting the synth sounds on the top that help drive the song to the eventual hook where you either want to pump your fist, jump up and down, bang your head, any combo of the 3, or just play the game better. 

Again, I think it's the drums that do it for me, that driving beat, the bass on the drums, I am glad I chose to play drums as a kid. :)

The game itself is hard as all hell, very Mega Man-like. I will come back at some point to talk about the game in detail once I play it more, but if you want a fun/frustrating platformer, or if you are a fan of the Nerd, I would recommend checking out the game on Steam.

And no, there is no Smooth McGroove version of this......yet.

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