Wednesday, July 30, 2014

What's coming up in August?

The best month of the year is upon us. It starts off with a bang (with yours truly turning another year older) and the releases of big name games. Granted, the blockbusters start coming hot and heavy in September/October before the huge holiday push, but that doesn't mean summer is ending with duds. Here is what to look forward to in the month of August:

August 5th:

Sacred 3 - (PC, PS3, Xbox 360)

I really enjoyed Sacred 2 and I'm glad a new one is coming out. Fun dungeon crawler that will feature 4-player co-op offline and online.

August 12th:

Disgaea 4: A Promise Revisited - (Vita)

The US Vita release of Disgaea 4 which was released on PS3 in 2011 

Hohokum - (PS3, PS4 Vita)

A relaxing game in the same genre as Flower and flOw.

August 19th:

Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition - (PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One)

Remember Diablo III? It's pretty good, right? Well now you can play the main game AND the expansion Reaper of Souls on your current and last-gen consoles. So you really have no excuse now if you haven't played it.

Plants Vs Zombies: Garden Warfare - (PS3, PS4)

This has to be it right? There are no other planned platforms for this? Look, I keep saying this game is surprisingly good and now Sony supporters can get their hands on it. So you really have no excuse now if....hey...

August 26th:

Infamous: First Light - (PS4)

The stand-alone expansion/prequel to Second Son will have players in the role of Fetch. It will also looks damn gorgeous.

Madden NFL 15 - (PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One)

Another year, another Madden. Which means it's almost time to BEAR DOWN!

August 29th:

Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - (3DS)

YES! Just absolute YES! America FINALLY gets this mash-up of the puzzle stylings of Layton and the crime solving deductive adventure style of Phoenix Wright. Objection? Overruled! 


Wasteland 2 - (PC, Mac, Linux)

The sequel to the granddaddy of isometric RPG's and what would eventually lead into the Fallout series has been in Steam Early Access for a while now and should see a release this month. Currently tops on my Steam Wish List.


These are scheduled to change (like always) and probably will and other games may come in and make a mark on the month, but definitely keep your eyes (and $$) out for these titles. It's shaping up to be a big end for summer releases, and to thing, the best is yet to come.

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