Monday, December 29, 2014

Jeff's Top Ten Games of 2014!

(Triumphant Music)


Thank you, thank you, you are all too kind. Of course that applause is due to the fact that I was able to take 10 games and make a list out of them. 2014 was an up-and-down year and the first full year of a new generation of consoles. While this led to many overhyped games, it also brought us several stand-outs. Here are my top 10 games for the year 2014:

10. Wolfenstein: The New Order

A rebirth of sorts for the franchise, New Order looks amazing (which, no doubt, is the reason for the 50GB install size), plays fast and frantic, has some of the best cutscenes I've ever seen (though there will be another game on this list that did them slightly better), and mixes in a dash of dark humor. Oh, also it came with a code for the new Doom beta. What more do you need? Play it!

9. Titanfall

The first shooter I have ever "Prestiged" in, (Though I'm sure I will in another game on this list), Titanfall did what it set out to do: carve a new niche in the shooter genre. What's more badass than being a giant mech with rockets? Taking down that mech with other rockets! Luckily both of those experiences can be found here. While it may be missing a true single player campaign, that doesn't take away from the unique and addictive experience. As I stated before with this game, the highs are higher in Titanfall than in many other games.

8. Destiny

Probably the most talked about game of the year (both in good and bad terms I'm sure), there is something about Destiny that keeps bringing me back. Sure, the story (or lack thereof) has been a lightning rod for negativity, and that's a big reason why it's not higher on my list, but the game looks gorgeous, the shooting feels nice, the loot system gives you that "carrot-on-a-stick", and it is a lot of fun to group up with your friends and take down a difficult raid. There is plenty of deserved criticism towards this game, but there also is a lot of deserved praise.

7. Mario Kart 8

It would be so easy for Nintendo to just pump out a new Mario Kart every year and make a ton of money, but no, Nintendo finds new ways to make this the premier kart racing game. New characters (even if some are questionable....Pink Gold Peach?) new, gorgeous looking tracks, remakes of old classics, driving on walls, online racing, everything you want in a new Mario Kart. This is the best game in the franchise.

6. Far Cry 4

Take one of the best games of 2012 (Far Cry 3) and make it bigger, make more things explode, make it all look even better, and slap a "4" on it. Of course, that's a baseline summary, but there is just so much to do in 4 and it all looks so good. This may sound a bit clichè, but Far Cry 4 is a hell of a wild ride.

5. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare

It happened. Call of Duty was able to redefine itself. Many people (myself included) were getting fatigued with the formula, until AW put its spin on it and gave the franchise a second wind. By the way, this is the game I was talking about earlier that I want to "Prestige" in, and also the game that had the best cutscenes of the year (Kevin Spacey, once again, nails it). This is the beginning of a new era for Call of Duty.

4. Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

Is it just me, or did Nintendo have a hell of a year? The best console exclusives appeared on the Wii U and Smash Bros was the best of the year. Superb graphics, plays fast and chaotic, chock full of Nintendo fan service, online play (for better or for worse), and plenty of reasons to gather up your friends. I say this again, best game in the series.

3. Sunset Overdrive

How about a game that doesn't take itself seriously, full of energy drink monsters, crazy weaponry, fast action, fun traversal, and in-your-face humor that hits a lot more than it misses? Well that would be Sunset Overdrive. This is one of those games where you just enjoy playing it, rather than speed-running through the main story. I knew this game was going to be good, but even I was surprised at HOW good.

2. Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor

What a game! Take the free-running aspect of Assassin's Creed, add the combat system from Batman: Arkham, set it in the world of Lord of the Rings, make it looks damn good and also give it one of the most coolest game mechanics ever in the "Nemesis System", and you have the best Lord of the Rings based game, and one of the best action games ever.

1. South Park: The Stick of Truth

The fact that playing this game is like playing an episode of the show is one thing, but to actually make it fun AND make it a deep and rewarding RPG is a whole other thing. I seriously laughed out loud SEVERAL times playing this game, to the point where I needed to pause the game due to a laughing fit. The game is full of South Park fan service, the combat is fun, the interface is slick, the humor is spot-on, and it all adds up to to my pick as my favorite game of the year.

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