Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Awesome Video Game Music - At Doom's Gate (DOOM)

Yesterday, as I was uploading a video to YouTube and allowing my internet to melt, I hooked up my Playstation 1 and decided to mess around with a bunch of old games. After playing some Rampage: World Tour, Street Fighter Alpha 2, and NBA Jam T.E., I had this sudden urge to play DOOM. Of course, there's been some hype around the franchise with the release of a new trailer and a May 13th release date. Without going too much into detail, since I could talk a lot about DOOM, let's leave it at "I'm pretty damn excited".

So, I popped in my PS1 version of DOOM, which came in those kick-ass long boxes, and, though it's a serviceable version of the PC classic, it felt empty to me. So after a couple levels, I went back to my PC, booted up DOOM 3: BFG Edition, which comes with DOOM, and DOOM II (and way easier to launch since you don't have to deal with DOSBox). Launched the original game, and it all came flooding back to me. The PS1 version had a HUGE omission: the music. How am I expected to blast monsters in the face with a shotgun when I don't have the kick-ass music behind me? More specifically, THIS song...

The next entry into Awesome Video Game Music: At Doom's Gate - (DOOM, 1993)

You can't tell me you didn't headbang a little just now. It's an iconic theme and something I hope the new DOOM will take advantage of. We all know just how important DOOM was and is to the video game industry and this song started the game off on the right foot, shredding guitar, driving beat, the perfect song to start laying waste to the horrors laid before you. Also makes for my new ringtone. Just a few months from now, we will be able to enjoy it again, for the first time.

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