Hey everyone! My apologies for the lack of updates recently, but a LOT of stuff has been going on and I wanted to clue you all in on some of the changes coming up for me and the Jeff of All Games "Family" of networks.
First of all, I am now blogging over at video-game-break.com with other like-minded gamers. I will blog here still when the time calls, but you should check out VGB for great articles from smart gamers, and anything written by "Jeff" would be THIS GUY!
Second, the Jeff of All Games Podcast (if you haven't been able to tell yet) is going on an indefinite hiatus, mostly because with my current schedule, it's hard to come up with quality content on that end and that's not fair to you to readers, I will dabble in Podcasting again when the time is right. It is not the end of the Podcast, just an extended break to rework the structure.
Third, the Patreon will close. I haven't been able to give that the attention it deserves and it's collecting dust. Again, that may resurface when the time is right, but that time is not now. I need to grow a bigger audience before diving into that.
Fourth, the YouTube channel is growing with more and more content and more subscribers. If you haven't subscribed yet, I would love you forever if you would hit that sweet "Subscribe" button. I have been ranking fighting games, recording "Let's Plays" and archiving all my live streams there.
Fifth, I will be making a Facebook Page for you all to go like and that should be up by next week.
Sixth (I told you, lot's of updates) I have officially signed up for Extra Life again this year. The structure will change from before, but the goal is the same: to raise money for The University of Iowa Children's Hospital. Click HERE to get all the info and to (hopefully) make a donation and give me a head start to my goal.
More updates will come, but as always, thank you for reading my blog, thanks for all the support and I promise to continue to bring it!
- Jeff
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