Monday, June 15, 2015

Recapping Bethesda's E3 Conference 6/14/15

E3 2015 marks the first time Bethesda has had their own standalone conference. Imagine how happy I was to geek out this weekend: I got to attend my first ever Comic-Con, watched some WWE with Money in the Bank, and E3, the biggest video game event of the year, kicked off. Since this is our first impression of E3 2015, how did Bethesda do? Short answer? They killed it!. Let's get into a bit of what happened. If you want to follow along, I put the video in the post:. (I'm starting my notes from when the conference actually begins, not the "pre-show"

- Pretty cool, straightforward intro of all the employees of the various studios talking about their love of games, then a nice montage of the games that will be talked about. Pretty standard E3 fare, but nothing over the top.

- Pete Hines is a very well spoken man. Sure, he's reading off a teleprompter, but he is putting his own character into it.

- First nerdgasm: "I assume you've heard of Doom". Hell yeah! Start the show off right, fucking Doom!

- By the way, I wish Marty Stratton would have just come out and said "Fucking DOOM!" and then cut to gameplay.

- "Big F'n Guns"? Come on, don't wimp out on us. Talk to us from the heart!

- Doom gameplay! We already get that Doom feel just by throwing on the helmet and cock the shotgun. It's fucking GO TIME!

- Scenery looks ominous, has an orange tint to it.


- Being able to climb up on the geometry is a great touch, also some BRUTAL melee kills. My favorite has to be breaking the monster's leg and smashing his skull in with it. Holy shit!

- Differences in lighting look fantastic and the orange tint appears to not be the entire game, which is nice.

- Exploding barrels are back, they blow up real good, the enemies...also blow up real good.

- Looks like health and ammo drops from enemies, great touch.

- Super Shotgun! Fuck yeah!

- Have I mentioned the enemies fall apart real good? Cause they do!

- Music kicks in, this is demon slaying music.

- The Plasma Rifle returns.

- I really like the idea of a radial menu to select your guns on the fly, seems better than just cycling through, though I'm sure the PC version will bind weapons to the number keys.

- Whatever they are calling that hologram thing looks great. Being able to see what exactly happened to get to the horror that you see in any given room is a great touch.

- Uh, he just ripped his arm off and pocketed it....ok then.

- Now I see why... HAHA! Puzzle solving, Doom style!

- Bring on the chainsaw! Crowd erupts, as did I. Can I get a "Fuck Yeah"?

- The enemies get cut up real good. Reminds me of the first time you saw the chainsaw bayonet from Gears of War.

- Multiple chainsaw death animations! Put that on the back of the box.

- Looks like you as the player will have gruesome deaths too, Dead Space-like.

- Multiplayer! We figured there had to be something, right? Seems like a lot of modes we are familiar with, many different locations. Also able to play the monster as well as the marine.

- Doom Snapmap seems like an advanced version of the Halo Forge, and seems awesome! I can't wait to see what the community will come up with.

- "Welcome to Hell", an iconic phrase, looks like the game will take place on Mars and Hell.

- No fall damage?

- Aerial executions! Love it!

- Ok, the ripping-out-stomach-and-feeding-it-to-the-monster-and-watching-him-explode execution may be my favorite.

- That's a big monster!...and that's the BFG! Doom!

- Overall, Doom showed VERY well and while it already had my interest when it first announces a LONG time ago, actually seeing it in motion is breaking my hype meter. Spring 2016.

- Battlecry looks like their take on Team Fortress 2. Striking art style. Faction based, class based as well. Looks neat, I'll sign up for the beta. Sounds like it will come out fully this Fall.

- Note: looks like Battlecry is 5v5.

- Now for Bethesda's worst kept secret: Dishonored 2.

- Personal Note: I LOVED Dishonored. Perhaps I should do something about that, perhaps involving Twitch or YouTube...hmm

- Pretty good trailer here. Female protagonist, interesting enemy designs, a few of the abilities. Solid.

- Did she become the smoke monster from Lost and did she suddenly gain powers from The Darkness?

- Perhaps you can play female OR male?

- As "man with nervous habit" is telling us, yes you can play as Corvo or as the new female protagonist.

- "You can play the entire game without killing anyone"...why? :)

- No release date for Dishonored 2.

- Dishonored: Definitive Edition (figures), will be on Xbox One and PS4 this Fall. Includes all DLC and a graphical enhancement.

- Now for Elder Scrolls: Online, which I do enjoy.

- Seems like a "State of the Game" style presentation. I want to play more of it.

- New lands, beautiful scenery, GOD DAMN SPIDERS!

- I will say, seeing more of ESO makes me want to play more ESO, so... mission accomplished.

- The Elder Scrolls: Legends, a strategy card game for tablets. We don't get to see any gameplay, but it will be FREE for PC and iPad this year.

- Then we get to the last presentation of the evening, the game everyone has been waiting for: Fallout 4.

- Todd Howard is one of my absolute favorite people in the industry, not only does his team make fantastic games, but the dude LOVES what he does and knows how to give a presentation.

- If I mention everything about the Fallout 4 portion, I'm going to be here all day, so here are some highlights:

- The game begins BEFORE the bomb drops. AWESOME. The character creation looks stellar. You can play as male or female.

- There can be a lot of story to cover in the 200 years that pass when you are in the vault.

- You can give your dog commands, that's awesome.

- The world looks amazing, varied, and not green.

- The Pip-Boy will have more use, including playing games on it. Kinda reminds me of my old graphics calculator.

- You want a Pip-Boy? (*sigh* yes) Collector's Edition! (*sighs, looks at bank account, waves goodbye*).

- You can put your phone in it, get the app, get second screen experience, YES OK, I WANT!

- Yes, Second Screen experiences tend to be lame and stupid gimmicks.

- "As far as stupid gimmicks go, this is the best fucking one". Can Todd do all E3 press events?

- iOS and Android for the app. My only question is, will my One M8 fit inside that Pip-Boy?

- Fallout Shelter is then shown and will run only on iOS. Looks like a slick management-style game. It's FREE.

- ...and available right after the conference! I downloaded it as soon as I could and I do enjoy the little time I have put into it.

- I love when games are announced like that. "This game comes out (pause) tonight" ROAR!!!

- Back to the main game

- You can build settlements/defenses, and use a workbench to modify your weapons and power armor.

- I may never actually finish Fallout 4.

- "Ready to fuck some shit up?" YES! let's go!

- I could watch this ending montage over and over again, and probably will.

- Fucking Deathclaws!

- You CAN board the choppers and spit hot fire out the sides.

- You CAN blow the shit out of the choppers and they blow up real good.


- 11-10-15! Holy shit, we are less than 5 months away from Fallout 4. That's insane!

That pretty much ends the conference for Bethesda. Their first standalone conference and they nailed it. A LOT of quality products coming out, the pacing was great, no special effects or guest hosts, just straightforward and it worked great.

Can not wait to see more of these games. This was a great start to E3. Keep checking the blog as I give my thoughts on Microsoft, EA, Ubisoft, Sony, and Nintendo's respective conferences. It's E3 y'all.

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