Wednesday, January 13, 2016

What is...SMITE (and the Arena Mode)?

Recently, I have had this sudden urge to go back and do more with a game I have long considered a "go-to game" when I just need something to play. So I made a little YouTube video describing what SMITE is all about and, specifically, the Arena mode:

For those of you who prefer the text version, here goes:

SMITE is a Free-to-Play MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) game in the same breath as Dota 2, League of Legends, Heroes of the Storm, etc., but with a unique spin on it. The biggest change is the 3rd person perspective as opposed to a top-down view, plus SMITE is the "Battleground of the Gods", so the hero characters are all ancient gods like Thor, Zeus, Apollo, Hercules and so on.

There are a handful of modes in SMITE, but the one I primarily focus on, and the one I will be featuring the most on my YouTube channel, is Arena mode.

Arena is a 5 on 5 match with no lanes, no jungles, no real emphasis on map control, and is all about gods v gods action. Each team starts with 500 "tickets", and the goal is to take the opponent's score down to 0. You do this in a number of ways:

Killing opposing AI creeps = -1 point per creep killed
Getting your AI creeps to the opposing team's portal = -1 point per creep that makes it
Killing opposing player controlled gods = -5 points per kill
Getting your Siege Creep to the enemy portal = -15 points

Be default, the options for "Auto Items" and "Auto Skills" are set to on. What this means, is that the game will automatically buy items for you when you are back at your home base, these items buff your stats, including attack speed, health, mana, base attack, and so on. So while you are out collecting gold by killing things, it's a good idea to head back to base from time to time to replenish health/mana and to let the game get your items for you. Also, when your character levels up in a match, the game will upgrade your god's special skills for you, giving you more powerful versions of them. You can toggle both of those options off if you want to do a bit of micromanaging, but I leave those on and I recommend doing so, that way you save time and only have to worry about getting back in the fight.

There are a couple other factors in play, such as getting too close to the enemy base will cause towers to start attacking you, which does a ton of damage, and there are side areas you can go to, where you can kill AI creatures to gain a buff to your health, mana, or attack speed.

Upon completing a match, you are rewarded with Favor and Worshipers (XP). Favor is the in-game currency you can use to purchase other gods and various skins. There are a LOT of gods in the game currently, and more added all the time. You can grind out Favor to unlock them, or use real money to buy Gems, which are used to purchase gods, skins, crates, voice packs, and more. You can also choose to spend $29.99 and get full access to all current and future gods. If you don't want to spend any money, there is a weekly rotation of gods for free that you can play as.

All this setup is because of what I am planning to do on my channel here very soon. I plan on showcasing every god, showing off their special abilities and a little about each god, then using them in a couple Arena matches. I am no expert at the game, and these videos will be as informative to you the viewers and they will be for me, since there are many gods I haven't even touched. What I am hoping to accomplish is (A) I wanna play a lot more SMITE, and (B) I want others to check this game out because I do enjoy it so much and it is FREE!

SMITE is available for free on PC and Xbox One, and don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel for all sorts of gaming goodness.

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