Saturday, February 22, 2014

YouTube video you need to watch:

This guy is so good, I am gonna post a couple videos and just tell you that you need to subscribe to this guy and watch all his videos.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give to you:

Smooth McGroove:

Behold! The power of the Beard!

This is INCREDIBLE! If that didn't bring a smile to your face then you have no soul!

He has videos from games like Mario World, Final Fantasy, Streets of Rage, etc.

Here are a few more examples of how to be awesome:

The Genesis had some of the best music ever and the Sonic the Hedgehog games really stood out to me. This makes me want to dust off my Genesis and yell obscenities as I run straight into enemies that I don't have the hand-eye coordination anymore to see.

Anybody who owned a Genesis can listen to this one especially and just be taken back to the early 90's


You hear that voice (those voices, I guess, since it's all him) and you don't expect to picture the mystery 4th member of the Wyatt Family. Subscribe NOW!

Also, his version of "Guile's Theme" from Street Fighter II  should be listened to every morning before you start your day, you'll have a little extra swag in your step.

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