Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Recapping Last Night's Live Stream Mania!

So, let's go over yesterday's Stream-a-mania, and what I did and (more importantly), what I learned. I will say, overall, it was a very enjoyable experience and I feel the the live steam bug has bit me, so expect a lot more of that in the future, especially next week with the release of Mortal Kombat X (more info on that later), and now since the doors have been open via the Elgato Game Capture Card, the live stream world is my oyster. So, here are my live stream chronicles from 4/7/15:

- For starters, this happened on my page ( because the service now works with my OBS and more people have easier access to Twitch, so I was happily surprised. Twitch will now be my main source of live streaming and hitbox will be my fall back if Twitch goes belly-up like it did during last year's Extra Life marathon stream. It was a lot of fun and I did get a lot of views and a few new follows.

- With yesterday being a test day, I know I slapped some things together and will be upgrading several things, including a new monitor, new microphone, and will be rearranging my play space, I will also be changing some audio settings since the game audio was other way too loud or not loud enough, but I feel like I have a good baseline going forward.

- The PS4 and Xbox One worked really smoothly with my system, but the Wii U gave me some delay issues that were fixed, however, I do want to work on that some more to improve picture quality. It's noted and in the works.

To the games:

- Bloodborne (PS4) -

I thought the game audio was really loud here. This was the guinea pig and the first to be played. Also, the game is really good and super frustrating (it's supposed to be), I will talk more about this on this week's podcast. Great start to the day.

- Helldivers (PS4) -

I really like this game, ran into some server issues but that totally could have been on my end. My audio was out of control here as you could hear my sexy heavy breathing, which began my need for a different mic.

- Borderlands 2 (Xbox One) -

I do enjoy the series as a whole and it plays great on the consoles. This was streamed at 30fps, making me want to up the frames.

- R.B.I. Baseball 2015 (Xbox One) -

I got to play as the Cubs and beat the Cardinals 2 out of 3 games, so that was great. Also, got into a good conversation about sports games. I like talking to people about games (obviously), and I do look at twitch chat, so feel free to chime in.

- Hyrule Warriors (Wii U) -

Once I got the settings to a playable level (problem on the Wii U end), I was able to mash the attack button a lot and show off what makes the game mashy, mindless, and an enjoyable experience.

- Super Smash Bros. for Wii U -

I was dead tired by this point, so it was a short stream, and was not working properly on the archive, but I still love that game.


You can find archives for all the streams under my "Past Broadcasts" tab on my Twitch page. You can also find the videos on my YouTube page.

The week ahead:

- New podcast coming Wednesday 4/9

- Next live stream will take place after the podcast and will be me playing Final Fantasy Type-0 HD for Xbox One. This will be on Twitch

- Following the FF live stream, I will be testing out the new equipment with my SNES. Something will catch fire, I'm sure.

- If the retro testing goes well, I will be starting a regular "Flashback Friday" live stream, so stay tuned for info about that as my SNES, Dreamcast, and more, will get their turn.

Tune in to my Twitch page and help me get some delicious views and tasty follows.

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